Elizabeth Gray-King

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The Exhibition continues to make a difference

My apologies!  To those of you who don’t follow my newsletter, you won’t have heard details about how the exhibitions are going.  As we come to Christmas time, grateful for God in Person as Jesus, I express deep gratitude for how my artwork is speaking to people of God’s love for everyone.   A viewer in Newcastle saw a dance of the Trinity in Searching Knowing and another viewer said that simply being with the artwork made her feel loved and more peaceful in a stressful day.


Sunderland Minster’s pastor team danced and grinned, so excited to share Nativity Tancred for a month. Sacred Trinity Salford sang us in at the Launch with the Scholar’s choir. They stand in between Am I Free and Nativity Tancred, and in front of the rest of the artwork which hangs on the wall in a gallery style at the back of the Church. One viewer said that at last, they felt part of something bigger and they knew they were loved. In a few weeks, we collect from Salford and deliver to Liverpool Parish Church. We have already seen the perfect spot for One.


The best news is that we’ve already secured £240 for the Open Table Network, one of the purposes of the exhibition in addition to raising the profile of God’s inclusive love.   We have at least six more venues for 2024 and look forward to more financial support coming to the work of the network as we look forward to sharing the work with more and more communities. If you want to see the work in person, please visit the exhibition pages. Thanks to Andre, there is even an interactive map!

Until I write again, I send you my warmest wishes for a Holiday Season which moves your soul and brings you joy and laughter.

The Series, Points, gathered by the stained glass of Newcastle St James URC

Nativity Tancred graces the Altar of Sunderland Minster

The Scholars Choir sings us in to Sacred Trinity Salford