The Unfolding
The Unfolding
This canvas is on its third or fourth life. Stretched in 2015 as a sabbatical project to reflect my work connecting people in communities by way of art, it started life portrait view with landscapes and people. It didn’t sing to me. I painted it out and kept it portrait two more times. Still no life. I turned it landscape and there it was. It spoke to me of layers of identity, of revealing slowly in small ways, of the tension in revelation and the colour of energetic search balanced by cool resting at times. Light rays and small explosions appear behind the deepest layers on the left and on the right. The revelation is so powerful on the left that the canvas itself is torn and fixed back, no way of closing in again. Unfolding to one’s deeper self is a many layered and time-consuming thing. Here is a way of resting in that truth.