I thought I’d take a moment, in the midst of two UK wide exhibition tours, to tell you about my residency work. Despite all the painting, despite all the digital illustration, by far my most loved art creation for me is in the stress and joy of the moment of an artist residency. That’s where I get asked to be on site or digitally in the moment, listen to conversations and decisions unfold, and capture what they look like to me. Fundamentally, I illustrate the real time process of coming to a mind about something.
Each residency is a story of progression - my commission, my arrival on site (or online), my preparation to do the work, the images as they developed with a story for each progression point, and the final piece. Sometimes there are images which go with each process moment and sometimes there aren't, but there is a flow from the commission to completion, all in more or less the same order.
Over the next months, my amazing web wizard will be designing a sets of pages which capture those process moments, then unfold each artwork or set of artworks and their narratives. I’m excited that they will all be online. It’s a wonderful moment for me! Migration Journey was from a residency https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f76e91b917a8a15a9d7b801/1706782422211-NW476L0VB718QNEZSB9G/Migration-journey.jpg?format=500w as was Peeps Table Talk https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f76e91b917a8a15a9d7b801/1706782416863-Y9B9OWXHER5KAS9P99NG/SofS-Peeps-table-talk.jpg?format=300w More will come!