It’s time. This small human begins to grin, realising that I’ve only just noticed I have to do this.
After many years (eons?) I’ve saved back some of my paintings for exhibitions only. I shape my exhibitions around conversations I hope may happen from them and therefore save a good number of my paintings for such chatting. Now that I have an excellent fine art printer, I have given myself permission to exhibit a painting quality print rather than an original for the sake of such conversations. Over this year and next, I will now be releasing a painting or two every month for sale. My appeal to you if you would like to buy one is to imagine it living in a space where people can have conversations from it. They somehow support very difficult conversations in spaces which feel safe because my images don’t blast you, but gently suggest a variety of viewpoints. Think hospices, retreat centres, community spaces, faith based buildings, counselling centres and more. Could a conversation piece on the wall help the work you do? Watch this space.