I promised some while ago that I’d tell you where some of my paintings now live after their wondering to new homes after the 2023/2024 exhibition tours. This is One, finished in 2013. My story of it tells you why I write ‘finished’. https://www.elizabethgrayking.com/one. It is one of my favourites and it keeps giving. All the the poeple in it continue to have conversaitons and if you have a print called Foothill, or Headspace, or Membrance or Conversation, or Loom, or Plait, or Stance, or Burble, or Well, or Floe, you have a part of One. They all have something specific to say from this glorious human form made of hundreds (at least) of other humans of every colour and kind and time. People have told me that they see DNA lines at the bottom and Saints in the sky above. I am deeply moved by what people tell me that they see.
One went to their new home in September 2024, and is hanging in a private collection. I generally prefer public collections, but this particular collection is owned by some very public committed people and have visitors from around the planet for glorious hospitality. The collection has a number of EGK originals and prints and I am told that they generate much conversation. I’m delighted. That, I discovered more than ever last year, is the point of my work.
The owner writes, “My love of it is to do with connectivity, of being part of something bigger but connected. The small print we have is gorgeous in its own right but it is part of a whole. The “whole” is even more striking.“
Yes, the origninal is no longer for sale. But prints of the whole and of One’s smaller details hang in a good number of collections already. You may order any at any time. I still have my fine art printer connections in the UK and in the USA. I’ll find one in Australia soon.