Here’s another painting which has found a new home in the UK, part of the me I left behind. With pleasure. This is a painting I never expected to sell. At All. It is far too difficult a story. Here’s what I wrote about it Fundamentally, it’s a story of control, of spiritual abuse. The model is a dear friend, a bit the way Andrea Kowch, hyperrealistic painter, paints her close friends to capture close reality. The story is from another close friend, so I heard it with painful empathy. For her sake, I painted this to get her story, anonymously, into fresh air. I worked in and around the edges of Safeguarding in my role with the United Reformed Church for a significant number of years and heard too many stories of the misuse of church for the benefit of those who chose to be abusive. I never expected to sell this painting, but always chose to exhibit it. The story might have helped someone tell their own story. As it turns out, that’s what happened.
The new owner had a number of personal stories I could have painted to bring them into fresh air and destabilise their historic power. Rather than the painting telling of the past for this gorgeous new owner, Be Set Free speaks more loudly to them about the future and a future free from historic shackles. The owner says, “2 Corinthians 3.17 is one I associate with the painting and my life and ministry - ‘where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom’. This freedom speaks to me through the painting Be Set Free because the way of Jesus is inviting and not controlling, colourful and beautiful in its challenges not enclosing nor gripping tightly. There is a song by Vicky Beeching with the words from the verse in Corinthians and yet they were written when she was in the closet. She has not been able to sing her songs since. I think partly that’s to do with the rights to her songs and the Christian record label who ‘own’ them. Being set free means from previously held expectations. Being set free by God is a moment by moment unfolding which invites immersion and devotion to God and to the life God has already given each one of us in community. Breaking chains which confine and harm is part of that. For me they are theological and embodied and there is a long way to go so all can be set free and live as free people.”
I am moved beyond imagining that Be Set Free continues to speak and to participate in much needed healing.